A Guide to Purchasing Oil Paintings for First Time Buyers

For many years, oil painting has been among the object of admiration and desire for many people in Singapore. Connoisseurs, collectors, and even homeowners have found exceptional beauty in this form of art. Nowadays, the availability of online art galleries has made this abstract art even more popular and accessible to more people of Singapore.

If you’re among those people wishing to own a piece of oil painting, search through the Web for a legit online art gallery and follow these simple steps to make searching convenient for you.


Decide Where to Put It

Before you start searching the internet for contemporary art pieces, know first where to hang or put the oil painting. Decide where in your house to hang it and which particular wall. These considerations are important because your choice of painting should complement or match the existing accessories and furniture in that particular area of the house.

If you’re planning to put it in a room that is already decorated with a lot of patterns, colors, and sophisticated elements, then a lighter and simpler kind of painting will balance the visual appeal of the room. However, if the room sports a modern style then go for a contemporary art piece with bolder designs and brighter colors.

The size of the room should also be considered when searching for an oil painting. Large rooms with spacious floor area and pastel-colored walls look great with big landscape paintings. On the other hand, small study room with bookcases and nothing much else in it will suffice with a simple painting or a small portrait.


Decide how much you’re willing to an affordable art gallery in Singapore to spend for an art piece. Do you want to go lavish in your acquisition by purchasing an expensive authentic piece from a well-known artist, or can you settle for something that doesn’t require you to shell out more?

Oftentimes, the size of the painting also dictates its value. Therefore, it’s wise to take note the estimated size of the painting you’re planning to purchase when setting a budget.

Whether you’re willing to spend a fortune or just a few dollars for an oil painting purchase, it’s important to know that you’re paying for an authentic piece and not for fakes or reproductions sold in original prices. The best thing to do to avoid such circumstances is to hire a professional art appraiser, if you’re not an expert in differentiating authentic from fake art pieces. Another way is to deal only with a reputable art gallery.


Purchase Process

The fastest way to search for art paintings is to visit an art gallery in your locality or a reputable online art gallery website that specializes in the type of art you’re looking for. Browse and look for art pieces that suit your requirements. If browsing online, make sure to set your monitor’s resolution to its maximum for you to have a close-to-reality view of the art piece.

After you have decided, check the purchase for any hidden charges. Inquire about additional by asking the gallery in-charge or by reading the terms and conditions. Furthermore, take note of the shipping charges and refund policy in case unfavorable events happen.

Lastly, it is always strongly recommended to only deal with trusted Singapore on-site or online art galleries. Read customer’s testimonials and ask for references to ensure you’re dealing with reliable business.

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